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The Jelly Shoes Story

I saw some jelly shoes for sale in a store recently.  They were big back in the 80s when I was in school.  I was in junior high.  I don’t remember what grade.  I’ve always had my own sense of style (if you can call it that).  I tried to be like everyone in school and wear the “cool” clothes sometimes, other times I just wore what I liked.  Now, I wear what I think will flatter me and it usually involves a lot of color.

So back in junior high I had jelly shoes.  I remember I wore them at least once.  I think I wore them only once.  A girl, let me restate that…a popular girl in my class asked me where I got my shoes.  Little did I know she was setting me up.  I told her where I got them.  I didn’t see any reason to lie.  I thought she really wanted to know.  I gave her what she wanted.  It was not the mall, it was not a high class store.  It was a department store.  When I told her where, she laughed and said something else, which I’m sure wasn’t nice, but I don’t remember what.  I do remember everyone else around me laughed and I think that sealed the fate of the shoes and me ever wearing them again.  Of course it hurts when I think about it.  I was just a child.  I don’t think I said anything back to her.  What could I say?  She would always have the spotlight.

Back then I knew what a bully was.  I also knew that she was just doing what she did to make herself look better.  You pick on other people to keep the eyes off you and make you look better to other people.  Many years have passed since then.  I heard she married a popular guy in school.  I heard other people saw her at their children’s games and she was dressed to the nines.  I’m sure I’m not a blip on her radar and I wasn’t much then.  But I saw the shoes and it reminded me. 

I can find a lot of verses that can back up me condemning her.  I can find verses about bullying and bad behavior.  I can point the finger, but then I hear the words ““Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7 (NIV) I have no cause to be hurling stones whether they be physical or verbal at anyone.  So what can I do to get over this?  I think I can accept the fact that I may never get over it, but I don’t have to cringe every time I see a certain pair of footwear.  I think I can tell myself that I am not measured by the clothes I wear. 

Matthew 6:25 (NIV)

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

God sees me and you as perfect no matter where we get our clothes. I should count my blessings for everything.  I may not be the popular fashion plate, but that’s ok.

Isaiah 61:10-11(MSG)

I will sing for joy in God,

  explode in praise from deep in my soul!

He dressed me up in a suit of salvation,

    he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness,

As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo

    and a bride a jeweled tiara.

For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers,

    and as a garden cascades with blossoms,

So the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom

    and puts praise on display before the nations.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kandice Jean

    I loved those jelly shoes too. We need to get a fresh pair! How God sees us is what matter the most. Thank you for sharing your story and these beautiful verses in Isaiah 🙂

    1. admin

      Jelly Shoes Rock!! Love you!

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