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Get Ready for The TKO! Being Christian and Fighting

Exodus 2:13 (NIV)
“The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, ‘Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?’”

The Big Match

My dog Lennie got in a fight with my parents’ dog recently. Lennie is an eighty-pound mutt from the shelter. He is very gentle and is not a fighter. Bogie is a lot smaller and also from the shelter. He thinks he rules the world.

Lennie and Bogie have had tussles before and Bogie is always ready for a fight. I tell him, “Lennie is bigger than you and could hurt you. Let it go”. He ignores me. So they got in a fight.

Putting on Our Gloves

I think how we humans are like dogs in that sense. We grab hold of something no matter what anyone says to us or tries to pull us away we hold steadfast.

Remember that time he….
I hate when she…..
That business …………
Look at him/her…………

We forget that we are Christians. We are too busy fighting and finding fault with others that we don’t see ourselves in the mirror. I see this a lot lately with things going on in the world. We have got to stop. I believe it is only adding to the problem. We can make people aware of issues and problems and stand for what we believe in, but when we jump on the bandwagon of fighting and hate, I think we need to get off.

In the verses above, Moses has just killed an Egyptian and finds two Hebrews fighting. Moses thought they should not fight because they were Hebrew. They were brothers. He is right in a sense. We need to remember that we are brothers and sisters in Christ. Stop the fingerpointing and hating on people.

The last time I checked, God is the only judge and needs no help.

Down for the Count

Think for a minute and look at what you are saying and doing. You are the representative of Christ. Would he be proud of you?

Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-5 (NIV) “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? …”

If you disagree, come from a place of love. That is the way to change the world.