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When Was the Last Time You Laughed?

“ A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

My son is autistic and he looks at the world and people differently.  His reactions to things are also different.  Most of my good laughs lately have been with him.

Recently we were going to the store and there was a bike rider on the road.  He said that the person needed to move because they were going to get hit.  I told him that it was ok. The rider couldn’t go anywhere else. About that time he burped and I said now the bike rider better be careful or the wind from his burp would throw them off of the bike. We got to laughing and then he said they were doing cartwheels in the air like a cartoon. That made us laugh harder.  

He also can quote movies and television shows so that is fun when he’s in the mood to talk in quotes with him.

“Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”

Luke 6:21 (NIV)

The world right now is filled will so much sadness, fear, hatred, and anger.  We need to consciously fill it with joy and laughter, not at the expense of others though.  

I’d like to try a butterfly effect on the world with laughter and joy.

Let’s try this week to get in some good laughs and joyful actions and thoughts.  Maybe we can change the world.

I’ll start you off with some clean jokes.  Try one out on a friend!