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The Lines That Run Through Me

The girl standing up is Margaret Jane Sullivan Reid and she is my great-grandmother born on July 28, 1878.  The one sitting in his lap is my great-great-aunt Beulah Josephine Sullivan Clemens born on July 24, 1881. The man is my great-great-grandfather, William Carroll Sullivan. He was born in 1849. 

William Sullivan was a doctor. His wife died and he was a widower. Doctors in those days didn’t make a lot of money.  A lot of his payments were in chicken, produce, and other bartered items.  Think “Doctor Baker” from “Little House on the Prairie”. Because he didn’t have a lot of ready cash, he couldn’t take care of the girls. They stayed with his older brother Willis who had a wife and kids and lived on a farm.  

People say I look like Josephine. Josephine and Margaret called each other “Sister”, but everyone called Josephine “Sis”. She died when I was a baby, but she got to see me before she died. My Dad calls me “Sis” or “Sister” as has commented that I remind him of her.

Sis was an artist and had no professional training.  These are some of the pictures she painted. She was in her teens when she painted these. I haven’t had any “formal” training either.  I’ve taken art classes in school and in college, but haven’t taken anything focused on painting/drawing.  It is just something I can do.

I think about that and I think about Sis.  From all I have heard about her, it is always good so if I’m destined to paint and remind people of someone, I don’t think I could have picked a better person even if I tried.

Thank you “Sister” for leaving your legacy on Earth and sharing your bloodlines with me so I can emulate you.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Freda b.

    I love this blog. I am sorting and categorizing family photos this month. So many are not named or dated. I am doing my best to remedy this with my memory….also remembering to label my current ones. I also collect old pre 1900 photos. I always feel sad when I find them in antique shops because no one wants them. I have a special box for them labeled ” not our ancestors “.

    1. admin

      It is sad when family photos are found and no one knows who is in it. It is nice that you are labeling them. Old photos are interesting to see how far we’ve come and how different the styles are. I’m glad you are enjoying the blog.

  2. Anonymous

    Very cool!!

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