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Table for One?

I read this as a blog topic –Would you rather go to dinner alone or a concert alone?

I would probably go to a concert alone, just never have.

I’ve done lots of things on my own throughout my life.  I relish my alone time.

Doing Things Alone

I’ve been to a wedding by myself.  The bride and the groom had worked with me. Someone commented to me that I was there by myself.  I didn’t think anything about it.  I’ve never been a social person.  I wasn’t the homecoming queen or had a full calendar.  Once I got a job, I worked and went to school.  At one point, I worked two jobs and went to college. 

When I worked one job and was taking college classes, there would be times that from the moment I got up, I wouldn’t say anything until I got to work later in the day.

This may make your head hurt.  Some people just find the need to be surrounded by others and noise.  If that is you, it’s ok.  It’s not me. 

Eating Alone

I’ve eaten alone.  Generally, I have a book.  It does feel weird sitting there eating with nothing to read. 

I also had someone comment to me that they wouldn’t eat by themselves because they wouldn’t want anyone to think that they didn’t have any friends.  My thoughts on this are if you are eating and you see me alone and all you have to think about is if have any friends or not, you are really lucky.

This is a great book I read years ago.  The man is invited to dinner with Jesus. I won’t ruin the story for you, but get it and read it when you have time.  It is a short book.

Start a Conversation

If you think about it, if you are dining alone, you aren’t really alone. God is there.  I’m sure he would enjoy talking with you about your concerns, thoughts, and ideas. Turn off the t.v.  Put down the book and have a meaningful conversation with God.

Say a blessing for the farmers that grew it, the people that packaged it, the drivers that got it to the store, and the grocery workers where you bought it. 

Thank him and ask him to bless your meal and then begin the conversation.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Freda b.

    I really love this post. I so appreciate your ability to enjoy alone time. I have always loved all of these opportunities….patio time with a good book, dinner in a restaurant when I was on the road when I worked, baking in my kitchen without any disturbing news broadcasts in the background, etc.

    1. admin

      Thank you! It is good to know I’m not the only one.

  2. Kandice Jean

    I just finished reading your suggestion of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger and I loved it! I spend a lot of time alone while not at work, and I like to borrow digital books from the local library and found it there 🙂 I also borrowed The Next Level by the same author and I enjoyed that very much too. Thank you!

    1. admin

      I’m glad you liked it! You are never alone. God is with you and you are always in my heart! I love you!

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