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Stuck in an Elevator

Looking around for some blogging topics and came across some “Would you Rather….” questions.  The premise is you pick one.  Would you rather do  X or Y.  You get the idea.

Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or stuck on a ski lift?

Easy, elevator.  I’ve actually been stuck in an elevator before. Here is my fascinating story.

The L & C Tower

Life & Casualty Tower – Wikipedia

Years ago I worked in an office building with 30 Floors.  The highest floor I worked on was the 20th.  The lowest was the 4th floor.  It is the Life & Casualty Tower (L & C) Building in downtown Nashville.

I was not feeling well that day and had an appointment with the state clinic.  It was in another office building.  I was on the 20th Floor going down to the first floor.  I was on by myself for a while and it stopped and another guy I got on.  It started going down, then stopped. Pushed the button, nothing happened. Oh, no!  So pushed the help button and talked to someone.

They were working on the problem and they would get us out.  I called the clinic and told them that I was stuck in the elevator.  They said to come when I got out.  They probably thought I was crazy.  

Pet Peeve-Crowds

Luckily it was just me and another guy in the elevator.  If it had been full, I would have panicked. Small spaces, I can take, but crowds are another story.  I’m short and in most crowds, I can’t see. This puts me at a disadvantage and makes me anxious.  I also don’t like being surrounded by gobs of people.  

In the past, if I was waiting on an elevator and it was full,  I’d wait for another one.  I am not one of those who will see how many can fit on at one time.  One time on an elevator, people kept piling on and this guy was holding every backpack and bag he ever owned and backed up against me and one of the bags was digging into my side.  I just held my breath, bit my tongue, and waited until he got off the elevator.  I just didn’t want to get into it with him.  He should have waited for an elevator that wasn’t full since he was obviously a tester for American Tourister.

Being Stuck

It was just me and the other guy. We exchanged names and what floor we worked on and where we worked.

It wasn’t hours and hours and the building didn’t collapse and the elevator didn’t snap. The doors opened and I was looking up to a floor. The maintenance people were there and they reached down and pulled me up out of the elevator and on to the floor.

I got on another elevator and went to my appointment.

If the guy and I were ever on an elevator together again, one of us would always say “Uh-Oh” or “Oh No”. It was especially fun if other people were on the elevator because then we’d have to explain why.

As for the ski lift? You will never catch me on one when I am conscious. I hate heights.