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Gypsy, the Garbage Queen

My parents’ dog is famous. She’s been on the news.  No, she didn’t alert anyone when a child fell down a well or solve a mystery.  She was on the news because she needed a home.

She had been surrendered to the county shelter along with twenty other dogs.  

This is her picture that was shown on the news.

Shelter at Capacity

The news was making a plea for the dogs because the shelter was at capacity. When they are at capacity, they can no longer take in any new dogs and they may have to euthanize any dogs that have been there the longest to make room. This is the last resort so that is why they turned to the news outlet for help.

My Mom saw Gypsy and fell in love. She went and got her and brought her home.

Here are some things to know about Gypsy

  • She doesn’t like men. She has gotten used to my Dad, but generally, she shakes if a man is around.
  • Rarely makes any noise. I could count on one hand the number of times I have heard her bark or whine.
  • She looks like she has on eyeliner.
  • She is tall and graceful.
  • Loves garbage.

Food was a hot commodity when she was with so many other dogs. Take what you can get any way you can get it.

The Garbage Queen

Dad said that recently he heard a bang in the night. He got up to see what it was and Gypsy had gotten up to the counter where the cat bowl was and knocked it off to lick the bowl.

She gets up in the night and gets into the trash and gets it everywhere, then realizes she’s going to get into trouble, so she runs and jumps on the bed and hides beside my mom. She could get away with it for the moment if she didn’t jump on the bed and wake everyone up.

One night I was at my parents house and Gypsy didn’t know I was there. She walked up to the trash can and began sniffing at it. I said “What are you doing little girl?” Her eyes got as big as saucers and she stood there a minute then ran and laid down somewhere.

I caught her one time with a can of cat food she had gotten out of the cabinet. If she can reach or get to food, she will.

The Good Girl

All that being said (written) she is a good dog and has made a good friend for my family, even if she is sneaky and loves garbage. I think she is pensive. She sometimes looks as if she is pondering something. It is probably a new plan to get into the trash.

If you love dogs and are wanting a new one, check with your local shelter. I’ve known a lot of dogs in my life and shelter dogs are great!