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Discerning Discernment

I have not audibly heard the voice of God.  If you have, that’s great and I’m jealous.  I believe at this point in time the Trinity mainly the Holy Spirit speaks to me and through me by nudges. I get an internal feeling it can be a push, a nudge, or a stop.  Not physically, it is a feeling that I can’t shake and I’d better listen or there might be trouble. Sometimes this feeling is so deep in me I can’t tell where it’s coming from.  Here are some examples of my feelings and nudges.

At least two separate times in my life, I was going to say something not nice about someone else to a coworker. That someone happened to be their mother.  It would not have been a good situation if I had said something.  The thought came into my mind to say whatever ugly thing I was going to say and then I got this feeling down deep in me…don’t say a word. If you’ve felt that, it will stop you in your tracks.  So I didn’t say anything and within seconds I was being introduced to the mother. That would have been an awful scene if I just told them what I thought of their mother while their mother was walking up to us.

I was at a thrift store shopping (yay thrift stores!!) and a girl was in there with her grandmother.  The girl had a set amount of money she could spend and would pick it up, take it to her grandmother and ask if she could get it.  I think a lot of the time the answer was no. I was checking out and the girl was next in line.  I was getting change back and got the nudge to give the change to the little girl. So I did.  You’ve thought I gave her a million dollars.  She was so happy and thanked me and ran off to tell her grandmother. 

I was at the vet and I noticed a woman crying at the counter. I got the feeling that she was putting her dog to sleep.  I had noticed some stuff going on within the vet that led me to believe that was the case.  Here comes the nudge–go say something to her.  I pushed back a little on this one.  I don’t know her…. but God does.  Poke, poke, get up, and go say something to her.  So I did.  I told her that it was okay to be upset and I’ve lost animals before and it is a hard thing to go through and I gave her a hug.  

I was being introduced to someone and I just got this feeling I can’t explain.  It was like watch out for this person or be careful. That one was weird. It came over me from out of nowhere. It was almost a spooky feeling. That has only happened once and I found out later that I needed to heed this advice.  That person was emotionally draining to be around and thrived on drama and fighting.  

I was at a funeral and the pastor had opened the floor up for stories about the deceased.  Of course, no one wants to speak publicly.  Nudge, Nudge,  get up and go say something.  Oh…no….not here.  Tap, tap,  get up, and go up there and say something.  So I got up there and said something.  It was a lot of silly stuff the person had done but I think when we attend a funeral we need to focus on the good times and honor the deceased.

Listen to the nudges.  They may be embarrassing or painful but they are meant for good and sometimes they aren’t meant for you, they’re meant for someone else.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kandice Jean

    It is so comforting to hear about your “nudges” too. Thank you for sharing your prompting of the Holy Spirit with us. I have been deeply encouraged by this today!

    1. admin

      Thank you! I’m glad it is encouraging for you!

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