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Things I’ve Learned From Watching Little House on the Prairie

  • 1.  Quick, get Doc Baker! Whether is it it is a human or an animal he can treat and fix the problem. He never seems to sleep either. I also don’t see how he affords to get by considering his payments are mostly in chickens and bartering.
  • 2. Carrie is able to speak in complete intelligible sentences in the later episodes.
  • 3. Charles Ingalls can help people have psychological breakthroughs just by grabbing them or holding them.
  • 4. Nels Olson doesn’t get upset often, but when he does, watch out.
  • 5. Harriet Olsen didn’t always act that way or I’m sure Nels wouldn’t have married her. She also knew how to cook in the early episodes, but somehow she forgot and became a bad cook and Nels did the cooking.
  • 6. Something happened to Laura when she became a teacher she became mean and a big know-it-all.
  • 7. If Albert’s lips are moving, he’s lying about something.
  • 8. A lot of famous people had cameos on the show.
  • 9. Sometimes actors played different characters. I saw an episode where a guy was shot and died and in the next episode, he played someone else. The episode he died in was later in the series. Could be alternate timelines…..
  • 9. Mary was whiny.
  • 10. The church of Walnut Grove has hymnals, but they only sing two songs out of it.
  • 11. If you keep a secret in Walnut Grove even if it is for good, it will backfire on you.
  • 12. Laura eventually grows into her teeth.
  • 13. Nancy and Nellie were evil incarnate.
  • 14. You can figure out the storylines, but you watch anyway.
  • 15. Cassandra cried a lot.
  • 16. They introduce a character or characters and have a whole episode revolving around them, then you never see them again.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Freda b.

    I love how eclectic your post is. This list is ” cut to the chase” and made me smile!

    1. admin

      Thank you! Mom always said I’m “well-rounded”. I think that’s her nice way of saying “weird”. LOL

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