Did I Ever Tell You About the Time?

I may from time to time write about events that happened in my life. I’ll start off with “Did I tell you about the time…..”, then I’ll complete the sentence.

Did I ever tell you about the time I went to see the movie “Titanic” in the theatre?

Going to the Theatre

I used to work with a girl who is my husband’s cousin. The first time I met my husband is a story in and of itself. Which I will tell you at a later date. I didn’t know my husband at this time or at least only in passing. To protect her identity and because she wouldn’t want anyone to know she’s related to my husband, we will call her HC for my husband’s cousin.

HC and I decided to go see Titanic. Everyone was talking about it and we would go see movies from time to time. Mostly rented and watched them because it was cheaper, but would splurge for the movies in the theatre occasionally.

We go to the theatre and everyone in the whole city I live in is there. Not really, but it felt like it. The theater was packed and everyone is congregating in the lobby for them to open the doors for the ticket holders to buy their seats.

Here is my kryptonite if you ever want to defeat me. Put me in an area with a lot of people. They all need to be smushed together and talking and they all must be tall or taller than me, which is generally a fifth grader.

The Big Scene

They open up the theatre rooms for the movie. I believe they had more than one. We go in, choose where we are going to sit, and go merrily along.

Until the scene where………….wait a minute……………this is a spoiler alert. If you haven’t seen the movie. I’m giving a chance for you to scroll past this part below.

Until the scene where JACK DIES. HC has already been crying up to this point. Sobbing loudly. I shed some tears, I might be sniffling, a little bit. I notice the person in front of me starts wiggling in their seat. This catches my attention and I see a lady to my right. She is leaning forward sobbing heavily into a kleenex (that’s tissue for anyone not from the South). There is a man looking at her with a look on his face that says he is not happy.

The Reaction

I’m going to guess that this is her husband. She convinced (guilted) him to go with her to see this stupid movie which he thought was going to be cool. I’m guessing he thought this movie was going to be a documentary focusing on the technical schematics of a big boat and that the movie would then segue into an action film with search and rescue scenes, but OH NO……it’s sappy.

He’s looking at her then HC gets his attention and he turns around and looks at her and then shakes his head. You know he’s thinking “Women! Crying over this stupid movie. Now ‘The Shootist’, that’s a movie to cry about.”

I almost lost it and started laughing out loud. HC might have noticed it. I think we talked about it. That is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in my life.

The even funnier thing is that I recognized him. He was a customer at Hardee’s all the time. I’m sure I saw him in there after this. I never said anything to him though. Now I think I’d have to ask him what he thought of the movie.

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