Searching for Soap

Close your eyes. Go ahead. I’m not going to look at your phone or take your wallet.

Think of a certain smell that makes you happy. Can you see what’s going on in the memory? Can you smell that thing that triggers good feelings? You can open your eyes now.

I think we all have smells that will remind us of a memory or a person.

Smells and Memories

Even though, I haven’t smelled my Grandmother’s perfume in years. I’m sure I would recognize it. Woodburning fires remind me of camping or cold snowy days. The scent lingers on your clothes and in the air.

I was at my father-in-law’s house recently and he had tools and things in his garage that took me back to my grandfather’s shop. My grandfather was a machinist and my father-in-law and husband are machinists too. There’s a certain smell. I don’t know if it’s oil or grease. It can take me back.

Certain shampoos and soaps remind me of my son when he was little.

The Smell of Soap

When I was young we first got cable tv. This was a big deal. I think it was around Christmas maybe during the winter. They showed “Snow White” on cable and it was live-action. I guess it was a play that was recorded.

I remember watching that on tv and feeling happy. We then went to my grandmother’s and she had some soap in her bathroom. It was a white pump bottle with blue snowflakes on it. The soap was liquid and was white or it had a colorful sheen to it. I know it wasn’t yellow or clear. I can think of that soap and it makes me happy. Somehow I’ve captured that feeling and put it in a white pump bottle. If I could find that bottle or that scent, I’d feel happy.

Searching for Soap

Isn’t that crazy? I’ve looked around and not had much luck. I’ve tried to describe what the bottle looks like online and search through the images. Can’t find a match. I’m on the soap aisle at the grocery scrutinizing the labels. I will occasionally open a bottle and sniff the contents. No luck.

More than likely, this item isn’t made anymore. It’s been a long time. If the company does make it, I’m sure after all these years the formula has changed and it wouldn’t be the same.

Let me know if you remember this soap. I’d also be interested to know if you can smell a certain thing and it takes you back to a happy place or time.

Until we meet again, hold onto the perfume, soaps, and other scents that can put you in a happy spot. We need more happiness in the world.

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